Submit A Post

Tell us your stories!​

Our aim is to share a wealth of knowledge and tips for all our fellow arts for health practitioners.

If you’d like to submit a blog post, have an arts related health story to share and you think others would find it interesting & informative, we’d love to hear from you.
We also welcome you to share the blog posts that you have already posted on your site. Yep, that means you don’t need to create new content to be featured!

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1. Give a title to your blog post.

2. Select a category that best fits your blog post.

3. Post content, click on either visual or text tab, you can either begin typing or copy & paste content.

4. Upload a Featured Image. If you do not have an image, An image is automatically provided.

5. Use if you want to reference another site with further information.

6. Submit the Post

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